Divorce 101: Spousal Support in Utah

When a marriage fails, it can be hard to think straight. Sadly, not all marriages last forever, and divorce often becomes an eventuality. If you have decided to file for divorce, you have to consider many aspects. Utah laws require you to have a reason for divorce. In case of a no-fault divorce, that can be “irreconcilable differences”. There are also several grounds for a fault-based divorce. Regardless of your circumstances, it is wise to talk to a known Sandy divorce lawyer, so as to understand the laws, requirements, and other aspects. In this post, we are discussing more on alimony, also called spousal support in Utah. 

What is spousal support in Utah?

Alimony, or spousal support, in Utah refers to financial support offered by one spouse to another. Either spouse can request the same, and spousal support may be granted on a temporary or long-term basis. 

How is spousal support decided?

There are various factors that will be considered by the judge before deciding on spousal support on alimony, including – 

  1. Financial conditions of both spouses
  2. Whether the spouse asking for alimony is in a position to pay their debts and monthly obligations. 
  3. Employment history of the spouses
  4. The ability of the other spouse to pay spousal support
  5. Duration of the marriage
  6. If the spouse asking for alimony will have custody of minor children
  7. If the spouse was working for the other spouse, their company or business
  8. Fault of either or both spouses

For how long can a spouse get alimony?

If the recipient dies, or remarries, alimony or spousal support will end automatically. Also, if there is a drastic change in the income of the recipient from the time of divorce to current date, the other spouse may file a petition to get an order that will modify existing alimony order.  

Talk to a lawyer right away

Hiring a lawyer is not mandatory for filing for divorce in Utah. However, you have to consider all relevant aspects in advance, including alimony. Make sure to talk to an attorney, who can guide on whether you qualify for alimony, and if you do, what you can realistically get from your spouse. Note that the same attorney cannot represent you and your spouse in Utah divorce. If your spouse has hired a lawyer, you may want to do the same. 

All relevant matters related to the marriage can be settled amicably through mediation and negotiation, for which respective attorneys are important.